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Photo: RNZ

10:18 Women's health strategy on Governments agenda

The Government have committed to establishing a women's health strategy as a part of the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Bill. The legislation has been pushed by the Gender Justice Collective advocacy group calling for a more diverse lens to be applied across our healthcare systems. Gender Justice Collective founder Angela Meyer joins us now to explain why a women's health strategy is needed and how we've managed for so long without it.

Doctor (gynecologist or psychiatrist) consulting and examining woman patient's health in medical clinic or hospital health service center

Photo: 123RF


10:34 How to stay safe on Otago's trails this Easter

It's the biggest tourist weekend New Zealand has seen in a long time but there are a few destinations in particular which are proving popular this Easter break. Central Otago is one of those locations and they're expecting a lot of traffic on their trails. Although locals and visitors are encouraged to explore, Tourism Central Otago want to raise awareness of how to keep yourself safe while doing so.

Landscape of Otago region viewed from Central Otago Railway bicycle trail in New Zealand


10:46 The Greens urge Govt to step up on climate action

Environment Aotearoa 2022 was released today and is a stark reminder of the serious change needed to to protect New Zealand's native plants, wildlife, habitats and ecosystems. Eugenie Sage, the Green Party's environment spokesperson explains the urgency of the situation.

Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage unveiled the Predator Free 2050 Strategy at Otari Wilton's Bush this morning.

Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage unveiled the Predator Free 2050 Strategy at Otari Wilton's Bush this morning. Photo: Rachel Thomas

Lately Music