13 Jan 2020

The people caring for animals affected by Australia's bushfires

From Afternoons, 1:25 pm on 13 January 2020

New Zealand-born Hana Cherry is a state co-ordinator for the Animal Rescue Collective in Australia. She has been driving to-and-from small rural towns trying to find and help suffering animals and she shares her firsthand understanding of the confronting reality of the bushfires on wild and domestic animals and how best to help.

Hana Cherry, state coordinator for the Animal Rescue Collective in Australia.

Hana Cherry, state coordinator for the Animal Rescue Collective in Australia. Photo: Supplied

How to help: The Animal Rescue Collections donation page can be found here. The organisation also works with BlazeAid, a volunteer-based organisation that works with families and individuals in rural Australia and Vets For Compassion.

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