27 Nov 2022

Maranga Mai audio drama series

From Standing Room Only, 3:17 pm on 27 November 2022
Writer, producer and director, Miria George

Writer, producer and director, Miria George Photo: Louise Hatton Photography

Radio drama is making a real comeback.  Aside from the popularity of podcasts, there are new initiatives like the audio series from wāhine Māori and va'ine Pasifika writers' collective Maranga Mai. 

The five radio plays were written as part of the Breaking Ground playwright's festival during the 2020 Lockdown.  They'll all be broadcast here on RNZ National, as well as streaming on Kia Mau's digital platform Moana Nui.

Lynn Freeman invited Mīria George, who worked with the five writers on their scripts, and one of those writers, Stevie Greeks, to come and talk about the series. 

And then we play the first of the series...