5 Jul 2018

Te Reo thrash metal band Alien Weaponry Documentary

From Afternoons, 1:31 pm on 5 July 2018

The three-piece teenage metal thrash band, whose songs are inspired by Māori history, released their first album, , last month to huge success and now a documentary about the band has been released by Vice. 

Thrash metal and Te Reo Māori don't seem to go hand in hand but for Alien Weaponry it's a winning combination. 

The three-piece teenage metal thrash band, whose songs are inspired by Māori history, released their first album, Tū, last month to huge success and now a documentary about the band has been released by Vice. 

The doco follows Henry, Lewis and Ethan as they prepare for the release of their first album all the while going to high school part-timeng part time. 

Henry de Jong, Lewis de Jong and Ethan Trembath of Alien Weaponry.

Henry de Jong, Lewis de Jong and Ethan Trembath of Alien Weaponry. Photo: Topic Images

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