26 Aug 2022

Ukraine Ambassador on death of NZ soldier

From Morning Report, 6:42 am on 26 August 2022

The body of a New Zealand soldier killed in Ukraine is thought to be in the hands of Russian soldiers, according to a number of sources.

Corporal Dominic Abelen died fighting Russian forces while on leave from the army.

Multiple sources have told RNZ they believe his body is in Russian hands but a spokesperson for Jacinda Ardern's office says they simply don't know if that's true or not.

The Defence Force won't comment and is also refusing to say if it is investigating whether other New Zealand soldiers are fighting there.

Corporal Abelen had not been given permission to enter Ukraine, and he had not told them about his plans.

Ukraine's ambassador to New Zealand and Australia says Abelen is a hero to the Ukrainian people.

Ambassador Vasyl Myroshnychenko told reporter Hamish Cardwell Abelen's death was heartbreaking.