12 Sep 2019

Operation Yellowhammer details no-deal Brexit chaos

From Nine To Noon, 9:51 am on 12 September 2019

UK correspondent Matt Dathan joins Kathryn to look at what the government's no-deal Brexit preparations - Operation Yellowhammer - will involve. He'll also report on the ruling by Scotland's highest civil court that Boris Johnson's government's decision to prorogue Parliament was really an attempt to "stymy" scrutiny of his Brexit policy. Meanwhile Labour is in just as big a mess as the Tories over their Brexit policy, with deputy leader Tom Watson emerging with a different policy to leader Jeremy Corbyn over when the party should support a general election.

Boris Johnson, pictured on a visit to year six pupils at Pimlico Primary in London on Sept 10.

Boris Johnson, pictured on a visit to year six pupils at Pimlico Primary in London on Sept 10. Photo: AFP