10 Apr 2022

Russia-Ukraine war cross with Philip Crowther in Lviv

From Sunday Morning, 8:28 am on 10 April 2022

The man who reports in six languages from around the world, Philip Crowther has returned to Lviv in the west of Ukraine after taking a short break from covering the conflict. Lviv has changed enormously since Crowther, the International Affiliate Correspondent for Associated Press, was there last. It was all one-way traffic out before, and now the human tide has turned with people and materials coming in as well. Crowther is back with us to discuss how things have changed in Ukraine in the time he has been away, what he is witnessing upon his return, and whether the future shape of this conflict is any clearer after six weeks of devastation and defiance.

Washington DC-based journalist Philip Crowther has gone viral for reporting from Ukraine in six different languages.

Washington DC-based journalist Philip Crowther has gone viral for reporting from Ukraine in six different languages. Photo: Philip Crowther