9 Sep 2017

The Week In Review for week ending Fri Sept 8 2017

From The Week In Review, 6:00 am on 9 September 2017

A review of the week's news including... Labour edges ahead of National in the RNZ Poll of Polls, Bill English and Jacinda Ardern lock horns in more leaders' debates, the National and Labour deputies both admit making mistakes in their Spinoff debate, the Maori Party co-leader knows he has a battle on his hands to keep his place in Parliament, New Zealand Rugby investigates 36 cases of misconduct in the past four years, the Environment Minister is the victim of two protests, doctors can now prescribe medicinal cannabis without approval but advocates say the move won't make a difference to people in pain, public health authorities struggle to bring a mumps outbreak in Auckland under control, the days of owning a car could be numbered in Christchurch and an Auckland man calls for a colonial memorial to be removed saying the man it honours is nothing more than a thug.